A Newspaper, Without Paper?
Central New York's Masonic newspaper, The Word, is taking its first steps into the digital age. We are exploring the possibility of making digital copies available to subscribers who wish to receive the paper electronically. Many sources of print media have already...
May 2018 DDGM Article for The Word – My Final Message to the Craft
Decisions regarding the consolidation of lodges and districts have moved into the spotlight over the past two years. Obviously, they are not to be taken lightly, as the decisions we make today and tomorrow will have a lasting effect. Native peoples consider how the...
April 2018 DDGM Article for The Word
My term is rapidly drawing to a close and, at the risk of sounding like an Oscars speech, there are a few people that I’d like to recognize for their efforts throughout the past two years. The first is R∴W∴Clinton S. Brooks. Clint served the District during the...
April 2018 AGL Article for The Word
Greetings Brethren, April is finally here and I look forward to the warmer weather, spring rains and the chance to work the fields on the farm. Many Lodges within our District are doing Degree work as we finish out our year. R.W. Charles Dellow and I have been busy...
February 2018 DDGM Article for The Word
It has been said that the only person who likes change is a baby with a dirty diaper. Change, however, is an ever-present and even necessary part of life. Over the past year and a half or so, we’ve experienced a lot of change both as a District and as a larger...
January 2018 DDGM Article for The Word
Customer Service. As the Holiday Season winds down, it is likely that many of us will have some sort of interaction with the Customer Service department of one or more businesses. But, what does that phrase mean for us, as Masons? Who, exactly, are our customers?...
February 2018 AGL Article for The Word
Greetings Brethren, February is a very busy month with President's Day, Valentine's Day, Winter break for school age children and Ground Hog's Day. An old farmer's saying is that you should have half of your stored forage supply left on Ground Hog's Day. Just a piece...
December 2017 DDGM Article for The Word
My Brothers, This year is almost concluded and, while it’s not quite time to be considering resolutions, that time will be upon us shortly. As we turn toward the New Year and toward the challenges and opportunities that it will afford us, let us consider our present...
January 2018 AGL Article for The Word
Greetings Brethren, I hope everyone had an enjoyable Holiday season! Degree work is continuing throughout the District. Congratulations to Cortlandville Lodge, TriValley Lodge and Otselic Valley Lodge for working together on the 3rd Degree. As a result, 7 new Brothers...
The NorthStar Project is coming to the Cortland-Madison District!
Please click on the graphic below to view the full-sized flyer: Click to email W∴ James Boss, Jr. for reservations. Click to email R∴ W∴ Scott A. Cary with questions.
November 2017 DDGM Article for The Word
My Brothers, Official Visits for this term are winding down. We still have much work to do around the District and in our Lodges. To that end, we are in the planning stages for a number of training classes. As R∴ W∴ Brooks mentioned, there will be a Masonic...
November 2017 AGL Article for The Word
Greetings Brethren, Happy Thanksgiving to all Brethren and their families! It is hard to believe that the Holiday season is upon us already. The Official visits are winding down. Marathon will hold theirs on November 6th and Homer will have theirs on November 13th....
2017-2018 Cortland-Madison District Trestleboard
Click the graphic below to download an updated copy of the District Trestleboard for this year:
Worshipfuls and Wardens Association
The newly formed Worshipfuls and Wardens Association of the Cortland-Madison District met for the first time last evening to adopt by-laws and elect officers for the remainder of the current Masonic year. The newly elected officers are as follows: President: R∴W∴...
October 2017 DDGM Article for The Word
My Brothers, Fall is here and the various animals are busily preparing for winter. As Masons, this should also be a season of preparation for us. Before we know it, the next Grand Lodge session will be upon us and now is the time to prepare. During the past year, I...