Decisions regarding the consolidation of lodges and districts have moved into the spotlight over the past two years. Obviously, they are not to be taken lightly, as the decisions we make today and tomorrow will have a lasting effect. Native peoples consider how the decisions of today will affect the next seven generations. To do any less when considering the future of our fraternity would betray the trust of those who have selected us as their leaders.
Deciding how we choose our leaders helps to define us both in the present and for the future. Recently, we formalized the process by which the leaders of our district are selected. I consider this to be one of the most significant achievements of this term. No one is able to influence the process for his own gains and measures have been put in place to ensure that personal agendas and outside influence are eliminated. Knowing this gives me great comfort and hope for our future.
The same great care must be exercised as we convene to choose our leaders next month. However we may vote, we must ensure that we consider how our decision will affect not only tomorrow, but thousands of tomorrows to come. Each of us has a sacred responsibility to act only in the best interests of those we represent.
Keep true to the teachings of our ritual. Obey the charges that you have been given. Obligations, we must always remember, do not expire, nor are we freed from their ties when we exit the lodge room. Live as you have sworn to live, in lodge and in life.
As leaders, it is important to remember that we serve those who have selected us, not the other way around. I have tried to live up to this standard throughout my term and would encourage all those who go this way after me to do the same. Duty to ourselves, we are taught, comes after the duty to our neighbor.
Scott A. Cary