Cortland-Madison Masonic District

Grand Lodge F.&A.M. State of New York

District Officers

R∴W∴ Richard G. Reed

R∴W∴ Richard G. Reed

District Deputy Grand Master

(607) 591-1301

R∴W∴ Wade A. Caler

R∴W∴ Wade A. Caler

Grand Sword Bearer

(607) 423-2669

V∴W∴ Thomas J. Whitney

V∴W∴ Thomas J. Whitney

Assistant Grand Lecturer

District Committee Chairs

W∴ Thomas J. Whitney

W∴ Thomas J. Whitney

Brotherhood Fund

R∴W∴ Russell O. Perkins

R∴W∴ Russell O. Perkins

MORI & Secretarial Resources

(607) 756-8875

W∴ Michael A. Hayes

W∴ Michael A. Hayes

NorthStar Program

(315) 480-5692

R∴W∴ Scott A. Cary

Website & Communications

Grand Lodge Officers & Committee Members

R∴W∴ William M. Wilcox

Grand Chaplain

R∴W∴ Wade A. Caler

Area 12 Chaiman, Masonic Brotherhood Fund

R∴W∴ Scott A. Cary

Committee on Charters

R∴W∴ Kim C. Dellow

Deputy Grand Master's Advisory Committee

W∴ Michael A. Hayes

Committee on Law Enforcement

R∴W∴ Fred M.S. Downs

Custodians of the Work, Emeritus

R∴W∴ Andrew B. Hengst, Jr.

Trustee Emeritus of the Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library

Permanent Member of Grand Lodge

R∴W∴ Sandy F. Samson

Past Junior Grand Warden (1992-1994)