My term is rapidly drawing to a close and, at the risk of sounding like an Oscars speech, there are a few people that I’d like to recognize for their efforts throughout the past two years.
The first is R∴W∴Clinton S. Brooks. Clint served the District during the 2014-2016 term as Grand Steward. For this term, Clint stepped up to the plate and offered to serve as Assistant Grand Lecturer. What’s more, he has also continued to offer Masonic education to the members of the District, having recently held a Masonic Development Class for 9 Brothers.
Next is W∴Elwin H. Goff, DSA. Elwin celebrates 40 years of Masonry this year and was recently awarded the prestigious Dedicated Service Award for his continued dedication to the Craft and his unwavering support of Cazenovia Lodge, No. 616. He can often be found working in the Lodge until late hours and has been instrumental in helping to prepare and maintain the Lodge’s new home.
Finally, I’d like to mention Bro. Thomas J. Whitney. Tom has only been a Mason for 5 years, but he’s put the time to good use. He has served as Cortlandville Lodge’s Brotherhood Fund Chairman since 2016. In the same year, he also became a NorthStar Program Success Coach. In 2017, he began to serve as the Lodge’s Treasurer. Furthermore, he’s taken an active role in helping distressed Brothers as well as working to revive the District’s Shrine Club.
These Brothers are doing it right. They understand that it isn’t about adding feathers to one’s cap. Instead, it is about service to the Craft, their Brothers, and, in a broader sense, the community. They should serve as role models to us all. Well done, my Brothers!