It has been said that the only person who likes change is a baby with a dirty diaper. Change, however, is an ever-present and even necessary part of life. Over the past year and a half or so, we’ve experienced a lot of change both as a District and as a larger Fraternity.
Change is difficult because we tend to fear what we don’t know. The familiar can be comforting, even if it isn’t good for us. Real growth occurs, however, when we venture out of our comfort zones and challenge ourselves.
When things aren’t going well for us, we need to try something new in order to improve. By definition, this involves change. If you aren’t willing to change, then much like the aforementioned baby, you’ll be stuck sitting in your own…well, you get the idea.
There are Brothers around the District who are working hard at improving our Craft. They recognize that our problems don’t start and end with Grand Lodge – if you want to have a successful Lodge and a successful District, then that isn’t going to happen on 73rdStreet. It’s going to happen at home. They have realized that Grand Lodge, whatever tools it may provide, isn’t going to fix it for them. They have chosen to take it upon themselves.
And guess what? It’s working! My Brothers, keep on building, keep up the good work. Not only will you enjoy the wages of a Mason, but so will your sons.