Cortland-Madison Masonic District

Grand Lodge F.&A.M. State of New York

November 2017 AGL Article for The Word

Oct 13, 2017 | From the AGLs, News & Events from The Grapevine

Greetings Brethren,

Happy Thanksgiving to all Brethren and their families! It is hard to believe that the Holiday season is upon us already.

The Official visits are winding down. Marathon will hold theirs on November 6th and Homer will have theirs on November 13th. The Brothers of the District are doing well with the opening and closing of their Lodges. RW Charles Dellow and I have noticed that the Brothers know the ritual, they just need to slow down in their presentation.

Degrees are going on throughout the District. The Lodges that have 3 or more practices are having great Degrees. Practice makes perfect my Brothers and that certainly shows the night of the Degree. Knowing the candidates names, floor work and ritual are key to a successful Degree. Please call RW Dellow or myself and we would be glad to help you prepare.

We will be conducting the Masonic Development Course on November 29th and January 31st. Dinner starts at 6:00 p.m. and classes start at 6:30 p.m. and will be completed by 8:30 p.m. Please call me at 607-597-9309 at email me at if you wish to attend. We would love to have a great turnout!

As always, RW Dellow and I will be around the District to help our Brothers anyway we can.

Clinton S. Brooks