Cortland-Madison Masonic District

Grand Lodge F.&A.M. State of New York

October 2016 DDGM Article for The Word

Sep 13, 2016 | From the DDGM, News & Events from The Grapevine

A number of us from the Cortland-Madison District recently had the opportunity to travel to Delhi, NY for the apron presentation of the R∴ W∴ Richard S. Morley, Senior Grand Warden, and the R ∴ W∴ Nicholas J. Paolicelli, Junior Grand Warden.   Nearly two hundred Brothers, friends, and family members traveled from across the state and country to celebrate the accomplishments of our Grand Wardens.

From the start, it was abundantly clear that perhaps the most significant of their individual accomplishments has been their respective families. They are the patriarchs of truly Masonic families who, along with their ladies Nancy and Pam, embody the Grand Master’s motto: “A Way of Life”.

I have had the pleasure, over the past couple of years, to get to know our Grand Wardens. From my experience, they are each warm, caring men who will go to any length to help a Brother, whether they have known them for a lifetime or a dinnertime. Rich and Nick are shining examples of what is great about our Fraternity. In short, they are the real deal.

It is no secret that we are undertaking a period of what will likely be great change within our Craft. Change, unfortunately, can be uncomfortable and this especially true when we are changing something, such as Masonry, which has played such a significant role in all of our lives. We are fortunate, however, to have men such as our Grand Wardens and others in our Grand Line to help guide our Fraternity through these changes. While we may not always understand the reasons for some of these changes and we might not even agree with some of them, we can be assured that they are being made with the best interests of our Fraternity, our whole Fraternity, in mind.

As Bart and I continue our visits to our Lodges in the coming weeks, we will bring you the most up to date information available. Together with Clint and Charlie, we are always just a phone call or an email away. Please do not hesitate to contact us if your Lodge needs help. Please note, also, that the Official Visit for Tri-Valley Lodge, No. 148 has been rescheduled for the evening of Thursday, November 3. We look forward to seeing you soon, as we all return to the quarries.
