Cortland-Madison Masonic District

Grand Lodge F.&A.M. State of New York

November 2016 GLSO Article for The Word

Oct 13, 2016 | From the Staff Officer, News & Events from The Grapevine

Brothers – I will keep this short as I am only allowed one manifesto a year, and that was last month-  On October 8th I was invited to Cazenovia lodge  # 616 for their new lodge open house and a sixty year apron and pin presentation to Brother Harry Spoor.  I was honored to be asked to participate in a major milestone of a Brothers life- the simple act of securing a sixty year pin to a  brothers collar and shaking his hand in congratulations left me in awe and in deep thought; how many Brothers in our small district have worn their aprons for fifty, sixty or seventy years ? How many in our craft worldwide ?  Brothers who are  humble, respectful and decent men, quietly leading their lives, and setting an example for generations of brothers to follow in the lodge; and in the world. To R.W. Jim Wightman-Harry Spoor and the Brothers of Cazenovia #616, thank you for the invitation, the hospitality and great conversation.

In my eyes, the best part masonry is not ritual or pomp and circumstance-it is traveling with Brothers- talking over coffee, meeting the families and laughing over the mishaps on the road -or in life- like trying to find a place to eat called the ” Bear Swamp Diner” on a trip to Jersey, and wondering if the techno geek who invented G.P.S. technology is playing a cruel trick on your tired body and rumbling  stomach- left turn-right turn- Bridge out -you can’t get there from here-sorry; days like this, spent with brothers I consider family are the best.

Godspeed- travel safe-
