Cortland-Madison Masonic District

Grand Lodge F.&A.M. State of New York

January 2017 DDGM Article for The Word

Dec 14, 2016 | From the DDGM

My Brothers,

I must apologize, as I neglected to submit this article to The Word in time for publication.  With the Holidays upon us, it is often easy to become overwhelmed with shopping, parties, dinners, and other special events associated with the Season.  I fell victim to this and dropped the proverbial ball.

With all that happens this time of year, it can be easy to forget that the Holiday Season is about giving.  I’m not talking about Hatchimals or whatever the latest craze is;  I’m talking about gifts that are far more significant. One of the most precious gifts that we may give this season is the gift of time.  The time we spend with family and friends can be the root of lifelong memories and traditions.  In twenty years, our children or grand children will not likely remember what gift was under the tree, but they will remember the time spent with the entire family huddled around the fireplace as “‘Twas The Night Before Christmas” is read aloud.

We often “splurge” this time of year and spend more than we should on gifts and other excesses, but we should always remember that there are those in our communities who do not have even enough for the bare necessities of a simple dinner, much less a holiday feast.  As we move into the New Year, it is important for us to remember that this need does not go away when we pack up our Christmas decorations and put the lights away.  Charity being one of the hallmarks of our Fraternity, I, for one, am making a New Year’s resolution to do a little more to help those less fortunate throughout the year.

I wish you and your family all the best for the New Year, may it be filled with joy, prosperity, and good health!
