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From the DDGM

MORI Training

Cortlandville Lodge, No. 470 will be hosting a MORI Training program on the morning of Saturday, July 9 at 9 AM.  The training will be presented by the R∴ W∴ Charles E. Knapp, Jr., Secretary of Delaware Lodge, No. 561 and Grand Steward (Sullivan District) of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York.

The course is intended for Lodge Secretaries and Asst. Secretaries, but may be opened to interested Brothers should space allow.  Reservations are required and must be made only by using the following link:

You will receive email confirmation of your completed registration.

Attendees should bring a laptop computer, or other suitable device, in addition to the MORI key provided by the Grand Lodge Registry Department (which will be needed if you are not already set up for MORI on that device).  No WiFi is available at the facility, so participants are encouraged to learn how to “tether” their laptops to their smartphones prior to the event.

June 2016 DDGM Article for The Word

I am deeply humbled to have been selected to serve as District Deputy Grand Master for the Cortland-Madison District. I am also profoundly grateful for the Brothers who have helped me to get here. They have lent a helping hand, given of their time, passed on pearls of wisdom, offered their support and, in every way, have worked to make me a better man and Mason.

While I am far from a perfect ashlar, these Brothers have helped to break off some of the rough corners. And as we prepare to bring a new generation of Masons into the Craft, we need men like these in our ranks. In many cases, they’re already here, but we need them to come back to Lodge. For whatever reason, many have drifted away taking their time, talents, and experience with them.   Our Fraternity, our Lodges, and our Brothers need you back.

We need you to mentor a new Brother as he works toward proficiency and beyond. We need you to teach that younger Brother one of the Lectures. We need you to fill a chair so that a Brother with less experience doesn’t get pushed into it before he’s ready and we desperately need you to share of your talents and experience in order to help him get ready. We need you to partake in the work of the Lodge so that our Lodges can stop functioning at a subsistence level and actually grow to become strong, vibrant Lodges that present a variety of quality Masonic programs. We need you to join us for coffee and fellowship after the meeting. We need you to share a lifetime of stories and wisdom. We need you to show our new Brothers that there’s so much more to Masonry than lapel pins and dues cards. My Brothers, we need you to show them, and the world, that Masonry truly is “A Way Of Life”.



May 2016 DDGM Article for The Word


It has been an honor to serve as District Deputy Grand Master for the last two years. It has been a very rewarding experience and I am glad the honor was bestowed upon my shoulders. I was recently asked if I would do it again if I had the opportunity. My reply was simply this, ” It would depend on who the Grand Master would be”. I will simply leave it at that.

I want to thank the Brothers who attended my homecoming and making it such a special night. I am especially thankful for the many DD’s and Staff Officers who travelled from afar to attend. I would also like to thank the RW Peter Flihan, Past Senior Grand Deacon for being the guest speaker for the evening, RW Richard Morley, Junior Grand Warden, and RW Charles Catapano, Grand Treasurer, for being in attendance. Hopefully Grand Lodge elections this year will see these three great Brothers being elected as Grand Treasurer, Senior Grand Warden, and Deputy Grand Master.

I would like to congratulate Very Worshipful (soon to be Right Worshipful) Scott Cary on being the District Deputy Grand Master’s pick as Mason of the Year for the Cortland-Madison District. This is something that I wanted to get started and I hope it will carry on in the coming years. Scott has been very dedicated in serving this District in the capacity as and AGL and a Brother of Cazenovia Lodge. He has proven himself as an outstanding ritualist and learned and performed the Middle Chamber lecture. He has also attended and supported all Official Visits and District functions. He has also been a good resource for any assistance or help that I may have needed the past two years. He has assisted with getting our District Web Site on board and has been the Web Master for our site, Without his dedication and abilities, our web site would probably be non-existent right now. Most importantly, VW Scott has worked very hard preparing himself for the demands of taking over the helm as District Deputy. He is very worthy of this office and very deserving of being named Mason of the Year for this District. Please congratulate Scott if you see him.

In closing, I want to thank the Brothers of this District that supported me in the performance of the Duties of District Deputy. A very wise man told me at the start of my term that you can’t keep everyone happy, so don’t try. How true that statement is. I have lost a few dear friendships over the last two years over some decisions I have had to make that didn’t seem to appease them. I am ok with that because everything I have done or have attempted to do, I have done with the best interest of our District in mind. I can walk away after Grand Lodge this year with my head held high, knowing I have tried to do the best possible job I could do serving this District and representing our Grand Master. I now look forward to supporting our incoming District Deputy and Staff Officer and reciprocating the support they have given me.

RW Brother Clinton S Brooks, it has been a great ride with you these past two years. You have excelled in your duties as a Staff Officer. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend, partner, and Mason to share this experience with. Thank you for all you have done for our District and the support and assistance you have given me. You truly are a Masons Mason!

Brian Ziegler

R∴ W∴ Brian E. Ziegler – Homecoming

Homecoming BZ

April 2016 DDGM Article for The Word


Spring is in the air and a start to a new season is upon us. Yard work will begin, new gardens planted, and all the other chores this new season brings. It is also a new season for our Masonic work as well. We will soon be changing officers in the Lodges, our Districts and at Grand Lodge as well. I hope that each Lodge has done their homework and have spoken about the new candidates for Grand Lodge and have a representative of their respective Lodge present to vote at Grand Lodge.

At the District level, I am proud to announce The Very Worshipful Scott Cary as my successor as District Deputy Grand Master of the Cortland Madison District in the ensuing year. Scott brings to the table new energy, new ideas and perspectives, great organizational skills, a vast knowledge of Masonic Law and the Constitutions. He is very well prepared and more than qualified to do the job. With the transition of a new Grand Master comes new programs and change across the state. The demands on DDGM’s and Staff Officers become greater and greater. These newly appointed District Officers need the support of our District to succeed. I hope we can put the private piques and grudges aside for the betterment of this great Fraternity.

We have many Fellowcrafts in waiting for the Master Mason Degree. It is my hope that we can get a District Degree done in April to get these eager Brothers raised. The AGL’s will be organizing this degree in the near future. Please offer your assistance if called upon. Please support the District in helping with this degree if you have candidates or not. If we ALL work together, we can accomplish this.

Brother Ben Wheaton has made an appeal for help with the Safety ID program to be held in Marathon for the MapleFest. This is one of the bigger Safety ID’s we do as a District. Many hands make the job a lot easier. Please give Ben a call if you are able to help.

I have still not heard from all the Lodges about attendance for Grand Lodge. We currently have 7 going. If you are planning on going with the group and have not contacted RW Brooks or myself, the door for reservations is soon closing. We have room for 10 in the van and I have reserved 5 rooms.

My homecoming has been arranged and will be held at DeRuyter Lodge on Thursday April 21st. Social time 6:00, dinner 6:30, tiled meeting 7:30. Guest speaker for the evening will be RW Peter Flihan, Past Senior Grand Deacon. Dinner is being provided by East Side Bakery and will consist of Lasagna, Chicken,Sausage,and Red potato, Ziti, Meatballs, Salad, Bread, and desert. The cost will be $15.00. Reservations are a must and can be made to me at or 315-491-5388. Space will be limited and expected to fill fast as many dignitaries from other Districts will be in attendance. The sooner the better to reserve your spot for this great night of good food and great Fellowship.

See you around the District,

Brian Z

Delaware Fellowship Night – Only 50 seats available!

Delaware Fellowship Night

February 2016 DDGM article for The Word

It is with heavy heart to announce the passing of Brother William Chapin of DeRuyter Lodge #692, father of Very Worshipful Bart Chapin. I want to thank the Brothers that came to the Memorial Service held in Morrisville. The family was very appreciative of our services.
The time to make plans for Grand Lodge is fast approaching. I will be locking in reservations for hotel rooms. We will be staying at the usual Hampton Inn Chelsea. RW Brooks and I are looking into renting a large passenger van this year for our travels. It will be quite a bit cheaper and a lot faster than the train. Please contact me  in the near future if you are planning on going to Grand Lodge.
Thank you to the efforts of a very small handful of Brothers that answered the call to assist in a first degree at Otselic Valley. It is disheartening that a Master of the District reaches out for help and so few answer the call. With that being said, I wanted to share a little story I found not long ago.
There was a farmer who grew excellent quality corn. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew his corn. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors. “ How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?” the reporter asked. “Why sir” said the farmer. “Didn’t you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn.
This story can be related in Masonry in so many ways. If we as a District do not reach out and help those Lodges that are struggling and need help, then we as a District as a whole are failing. It may be your Lodge someday that may need the help. When we all work together and cross pollinate, the District as a whole shares the blessing of a bountiful harvest.
See you in the quarries,
Brian Z

Interested in being an Assistant Grand Lecturer?

The Cortland-Madison District is looking for Brothers who are interested in assuming the duties of Assistant Grand Lecturer for the 2016-2018 term. For the first time in some years, our AGLs will not be “staggered”. We will be selecting two Brothers who will each serve an entire term with the District team. This is your opportunity to serve YOUR District in what is truly one of the best jobs in Masonry. If you would like more information or are interested in applying, please contact the V∴W∴ Scott A. Cary, or the R∴W∴ Brian E. Ziegler, at and  respectively.  Completed applications must be received by the District Deputy Grand Master no later than February 10, 2016 in order to be considered.  Brothers selected for appointment will be notified prior to the end of February.

January 2016 DDGM article for The Word

Hoping all had a wonderful Holiday season and the New Year brings health and happiness to each of you. With all the horrible events happening around the globe and here in our homeland, I hope we take the opportunity to tell our loved ones how much they mean to us and how important family and friends are in our everyday lives. It is that support system that gives us strength to overcome hardships in our lives and to cope with the many stressors that we face each and every day. The same holds true with our Masonic Family. Please take the time to look a Brother in the eye, give a firm handshake, and tell him it is good to see him. Take the opportunity to visit a Brother who can no longer attend Lodge because of health reasons. Reach out to a Brother who you have not seen in a while and let him know you are thinking of him. There may be underlying reasons why he hasn’t been around. I am sure there are many surviving spouses that appreciate a card or call from time to time to let them know we are here for them if the need arises. We will all be there someday Brothers. Will we be forgotten?
The Official Visits are completed for the year. Thank you to each Lodge for the courtesies you have given myself and our District Team. RW Brother Brooks and I have enjoyed these visits and are happy and sad that they have come to an end. With the visits over, I can now get back to doing what I love. Travelling and grass roots Masonry. There is a lot of degree work going on and coming up. Check the web site for dates and times. RW Brooks will be conducting educational classes as well. Please feel free to call on me, RW Brooks or our AGL’s if your Lodge needs a program for an evening. We would love to help out.
See you in Lodge,
Brian Ziegler

NorthStar Project – Registration is now open!



The NorthStar Project is a State-wide initiative designed to improve the way we bring new Brothers into the Craft, mentor them through the Degree process and beyond, and to increase both the participation and retention of our membership.  This is a “train-the trainer” style program and each Lodge should designate at least one Brother to attend and then bring the program back to others within the Lodge.  Pre-registration is required with Bro. Jorge Romeau by email at or by telephone at (315) 476-8994.  More information can be found on the flyer below:

