GLNY-Seal-transparent-240 Grand Lodge of the State of New York
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January 2016 DDGM article for The Word

Hoping all had a wonderful Holiday season and the New Year brings health and happiness to each of you. With all the horrible events happening around the globe and here in our homeland, I hope we take the opportunity to tell our loved ones how much they mean to us and how important family and friends are in our everyday lives. It is that support system that gives us strength to overcome hardships in our lives and to cope with the many stressors that we face each and every day. The same holds true with our Masonic Family. Please take the time to look a Brother in the eye, give a firm handshake, and tell him it is good to see him. Take the opportunity to visit a Brother who can no longer attend Lodge because of health reasons. Reach out to a Brother who you have not seen in a while and let him know you are thinking of him. There may be underlying reasons why he hasn’t been around. I am sure there are many surviving spouses that appreciate a card or call from time to time to let them know we are here for them if the need arises. We will all be there someday Brothers. Will we be forgotten?
The Official Visits are completed for the year. Thank you to each Lodge for the courtesies you have given myself and our District Team. RW Brother Brooks and I have enjoyed these visits and are happy and sad that they have come to an end. With the visits over, I can now get back to doing what I love. Travelling and grass roots Masonry. There is a lot of degree work going on and coming up. Check the web site for dates and times. RW Brooks will be conducting educational classes as well. Please feel free to call on me, RW Brooks or our AGL’s if your Lodge needs a program for an evening. We would love to help out.
See you in Lodge,
Brian Ziegler