Cortland-Madison Masonic District

Grand Lodge F.&A.M. State of New York

Fellowcraft Club Meeting on March 28

Mar 3, 2017 | From the DDGM, News & Events from The Grapevine

The next meeting of the Fellowcraft Club will be on March 28th at 7:30 PM at Cortlandville Lodge, No. 470 (1883 State Route 13 Cortlandville, NY 13045).  As was previously publicized, R∴ W∴ David Walter, Camp Turk Committee Member, will be providing a 20-30 minute presentation on Camp Turk.

Following the presentation on Camp Turk, the R∴ W∴ Richard S. Morley, Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, and the R∴ W∴ Nicholas J. Paolicelli, Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, will be on hand to moderate a discussion on the redistricting process currently underway within our Grand Jurisdiction.  Specifically, the discussion will center around the variety of rumors and misconceptions being circulated about the process and how that process will affect those Lodges currently assigned to the Cortland-Madison and Cayuga-Thompkins Districts.

This discussion is open to all Masons in the Cortland-Madison and surrounding Districts, but the R∴ W∴ Michael A. Miller, District Deputy Grand Master of the Cayuga-Thompkins District, and I would particularly like to see current and future Lodge leaders from within our two Districts in attendance. Lodge leaders, in particular, are invited to bring (and be prepared to discuss) their concerns and any plans for the future of their Lodges (or groups of Lodges).

All Brothers are reminded that, while redistricting is a Grand Lodge initiative, the planning and work of redistricting is done at the local, District level.  To state it a different way: you know what works for you.  This meeting is an opportunity to let Grand Lodge know what works for you and, further, how we can help you to get there.

I look forward to seeing you there!
