Cortland-Madison Masonic District

Grand Lodge F.&A.M. State of New York

February 2018 AGL Article for The Word

Jan 12, 2018 | From the AGLs, News & Events from The Grapevine

Greetings Brethren,

February is a very busy month with President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Winter break for school age children and Ground Hog’s Day. An old farmer’s saying is that you should have half of your stored forage supply left on Ground Hog’s Day. Just a piece of useful knowledge from your AGL’s.

RW Charles Dellow and I would like to thank all of the Brothers who completed the Masonic Development Course. We hope that  this course helped in your understanding of the three Degrees in becoming a Master Mason.

We would also like to remind all Lodges that they are required to do a Degree before April 1st of this year to satisfy the Grand Master’s edict. It can not be the same Degree as the one you did last year.

If you are doing a Degree, RW Dellow and I would like to come to your practices. We can not stress enough to the Lodges in our District the importance of having at least 3 practice sessions before the Degree. It is vital that everyone who has a part in the Degree, including the Conductors, be present at these practices.

As always, RW Dellow and I look forward to seeing you around the District.

RW Clinton S. Brooks