Cortland-Madison Masonic District

Grand Lodge F.&A.M. State of New York

February 2017 DDGM Article for The Word

Jan 13, 2017 | News & Events from The Grapevine

Not long ago, I happened to be having a conversation with a trusted friend and Brother who offered me a piece of sage advice. While I have since forgotten the exact words he chose, the gist of his comment was as follows: “With all that we’ve got going on, I hope you’re taking some time to recharge your Masonic batteries.”

I assured him that I was or, at the very least, had plans to do so in the near future. Many of our Lodges have been involved in the strenuous work of correcting past failings and preparing for the future in order to assure that we are on track for generations of Masons yet to come. Under the weight of the work of running the corporations that are our Lodges, it is easy to neglect our Masonic work.

If you are guessing that I am referring to our Ritual, then you are correct, at least partially. You’ll never hear me argue that we should not be delivering our Ritual in such a way as to provide our candidates with the best possible experience. That, however, is only part of the story.

How many times have we all listened to the various obligations? Lectures? Charges? If you’ve been around for a while, it’s probably more than a few times. How many times, though, have we really heard what they are telling us?  I am convinced that if more of our Brothers actually tried to live up to the obligations they took while on bended knee, if they understood the history and the meanings behind what we do and why we do it, and if they actually followed the direction given them strictly in charge, that our beloved Fraternity would not be suffering many of the problems we now face.

Many Lodges have Degree work coming up in the near future and I have asked each Lodge to ensure that every Degree is widely publicized within the District. Join us for a Degree or two. Whether you’re giving a lecture or sitting on the sidelines, everyone’s contribution is important. Come and recharge your batteries. Remind yourself of what it is about our Craft that first called to you and where you were first prepared to be made a Mason. I know that I’m looking forward to my Masonic tune-up and I hope that you’ll join me.
